Simons Cat – Snow Business (Part 1 + 2)

Heute: Einleitung, Zitat, Video, Links…

Nicht nur hier scheint´s zu schneien. Auch in der Heimat von Simon Tofield, dem Erfinder von Simons Cat. So kam Anfang Dezember der erste Part von Snow Business und gestern die Fortsetzung… Part 1 und 2 nun hier komplett.
Auf meint Simon Tofield zu dem Video:

“Every cat owner remembers the first time their cat sees snow.” –

Um ehrlich zu sein, ich nicht…

Links: / Tandem-Films / Simons Cat – Das Buch

Weiteres von Tandem Films

Es gibt Neuigkeiten aus dem Hause Tandem Films.

Wer oder was ist Tandem Films?
Gegründet von den beiden Regisseuren Daniel Greaves und Nigel Pay hat sich Tandem Films zu einer der angesehensten “animation production companies” Englands entwickelt.
Mittlerweile spezialisiert auf die Gebiete Werbung und Kurzfilme.

Zur Orientierung: Simon Tofields Cat stammt auch aus dem Hause Tandem

Apropos Simons Cat: “Simon´s Cat is now being made into a book for publication before Christmas 2009” – Quelle: Tandem/About

So. Jetzt aber weiter.
Hier folgen jetzt Drei weitere Kleine Filmchen von Tandem.

Mr. Shortfuse visits the post office. Mr. Shortfuse is easily angered and very impatient…

This short film was made in 2000 by Tandem director Daniel Greaves. Hand-drawn animation was scanned and coloured using Toonz software. Mr. Shortfuse later appeared as a character in Daniel Greaves’ BAFTA-nominated shortfilm ‘Little Things’ released in 2004.

A rabbit unwittingly duplicates itself through a number of invisible trapdoors.

Daniel Greaves animated the whole film as a single character hopping around the screen, the animation was then artworked onto cell using a waterbased ink. The very simple action becomes a complex kaleidoscope pattern, which is the result of complicated repegging and repositioning of each of the original drawings traced off many times for each frame as the rabbits multiply.

Chris Gavin’s experimental stop-motion film. Painstakingly hand-crafted using hundreds of plastic peg-board letters.

The films follows the endeavours of a squad of letters, as they delve deep into the jungle of a mysterious island. What is their mission? And will they succeed?