“Nik Laker leads a quiet life of a musician seeking a calm and kind audience who find pleasure in the sound he creates. […] This new EP offers the same chillout as the first time, There are also towering emotions expressed by strings. There is everything that impressed in 2014, this time with a different perspective. The author of Such Stuff has changed his approach to composing. There is more self-confidence in his music, evident in the pronounced drums and the regular pulse of his music. At the same time the elaborate narration doesn’t overshadow the compositional details that are such an important element of Nik Laker’s work.”
Diesen Worten des Export Labels stimme ich zu. Leider gibt es die EP, wie auch schon das Erstlingswerk von Nik Laker, nur als digitalen Download. Schade – die Musik würde sich gänzlich herrvorragend auf Vinyl machen.